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The 10 Best User Testing Questions For Conversion Optimization


One of the highest impact ways of getting website improvement ideas is to get feedback from user testing. This gives much better results than just guessing what to improve, going on gut-feeling, or just listening to what your HiPPO wants to improve.

Many businesses do user testing, but many don’t use very good questions or tasks. This means that their insights are limited and therefore they don’t get very good ideas to improve their website.

We have partnered with Rich Page, CRO expert to reveal the best questions and tasks for you to ask to maximize your feedback from user testing and get high-impact website improvement ideas. Rich Page has been doing CRO and user testing for 15 years and has discovered the best ones to ask:

1. Go to website "X". What are your first impressions of this website?

These first impressions are important to discover because visitors can often judge your whole website within just 5 seconds. And if they don’t like what they see, they may leave. So it’s important to find out what they think when they first see your website, and then make improvements based on their feedback.

2. Do you feel there is anything unique about what this website offers?

This is essential for seeing if you are highlighting the unique value proposition of your website well enough. If you don’t do this well and prominently enough they won’t know the main reasons to use your business, and will likely go and check out competitor websites - meaning lost sales for you.

3. Try to find information about "X".

Mention finding a product, service or information important for your visitors to know about. This is important for seeing how easy they find it. If they struggle to find it, you should make it clearer and easier for them to do so.

4. Please use the navigation or internal search to find something you are interested in. How useful were these options?

This helps you understand how good and easy to use your navigation and search is, because you need to ensure both of these help visitors find exactly what they want, and as quickly as possible.

5. Add a product to your cart and start the checkout process. How easy does the checkout process seem? How trustworthy does it seem?

This is important for learning about issues regarding your all-important checkout process — it is vital to quickly fix or improve any issues they have. And if you don’t have an ecommerce website, you should ask them to start the signup process and give feedback as they do so.

6. What are the key factors that influence your purchase decision?

Knowing this helps you focus your website content on the key things that influence purchase. For example, maybe having free returns is most important to them, but you may not offer it. Many businesses don’t understand this well - don’t just presume you know what most influences your visitor’s purchase decision.

7. What are your biggest doubts or hesitations about this website?

This is one of the most important questions as knowing this will help you understand what content or risk reducers need adding to reduce their concerns and get them purchasing more often. For example if they don’t understand how a particular feature works, then you need to explain it better.

8. Would you have purchased from this website? If not, why not?

This is a very good summary question to use towards the end of the user test as it often helps user testers summarize their main issues with using your website.

9. What would increase the chances of you purchasing, other than reducing price or using discounts?

This is a good follow-up question that helps you discover what would have got them to purchase. For example, maybe they want a free trial, or they want a better explanation of something. Once you know this, you can add messaging or offers relating to their feedback and increase the chances of them purchasing.

10. Please try to find a similar website in Google, visit it and describe what (if anything) you prefer on that website.

This is a great question to ask last if they have any time remaining in their user test. It helps you understand what other websites your target audience might use, and what they like or don’t like about them. It’s great for finding inspiration for website improvement ideas from competitor websites. Don’t just directly copy them though as every website is unique.

Wrapping up

Next time you do user testing I suggest you use these new better questions and tasks. The insights and feedback you will get is very eye-opening and useful for quickly improving your website.

But it’s not only about the questions and tasks you use though, you also need to learn best practices for setting up user testing to ensure higher-impact feedback.

To help you with this, read our next blog post on expert user testing creation tips. We recommend you read that next.

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