Met Pixel

No subscription, all the features

Unlimited screener questions, demographics, video highlight reels and sharing, data export and video downloading
Unlimited team members at no extra cost
User test quality guarantee with free replacement, premium customer support via live chat and email
60 US$ Per Credit
(57 €, 93 AU$, 81 CA$, 49 £, 8897 ¥)
Credits Per Session
60 minute unmoderated with your tester
0.5 credits
60 minute moderated with your tester
1 credit
20 minute unmoderated with Userfeel panel
1 credit
40 minute unmoderated/moderated with Userfeel panel
2 credits
60 minute unmoderated/moderated with Userfeel panel
3 credits

Above mentioned times are the upper limits for the duration of each test. Some tests may complete in shorter times.
When using our users (Userfeel panel) pricing includes the incentive paid to the user.

For agency and frequent users discounts click here.

No credit card required to sign up and try all features

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Create user tests using a better tool. No monthly fees. No credit card required to start.

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